Welcome to Introduction to NGS Data Analysis

University of Sydney

27th -29th June 2017

The Introduction to NGS Data Analysis is a three-day, hands-on workshop that offers attendees a basic understanding of NGS data analysis workflows. The workshop provides hands-on computational experience in analysis of NGS data using common analytical approaches for ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq data and de novo genome assembly.

Workshop Content

Topics covered by this workshop include:
* An introduction to the command line interface and NGS file formats
* Assessment of the quality of NGS sequence reads
* Sequence alignment algorithms
* Basic ChIP-Seq analysis
* Basic RNA-Seq analysis
* Short and long read de novo genome assembly

This workshop will be delivered using a mixture of lectures, hands-on practical sessions, and open discussions.


This workshop was developed by Bioplatforms Australia, in partnership with CSIRO, and with support from the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), a member of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in the UK. The workshop content has been maintained and updated by a network of dedicated [bioinformatics trainers] http://www.bioplatforms.com/bioinformatics-training/ from around Australia.

The Bioinformatics Training Platform was developed in collaboration with the Monash Bioinformatics Platform and this workshop has been hosted on Interset infrastructure.


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