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Introduction to NGS Data Analysis Workshop

The University of Sydney, NSW - 27th - 29th June 2017


  • Katherine Champ (KC) - Bioplatforms Australia, Sydney
  • Sonika Tyagi (ST) - AGRF, Melbourne
  • Matthew Field (MF) - Australian National University/James Cook University, Cairns
  • Xi (Sean) Li (SL) - Australian National University, Canberra
  • Susan Corley (SC) - UNSW Systems Biology Initiative, Sydney


Day 1 - Introduction to the command line, data quality & alignment & ChIP-Seq

27th June - Computer Lab 1.4, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, NSW

Time Topic Links Instructor
09:00 Introductions and course orientation K
09:45 Practical: Introduction to the command line
10:15 Morning Tea
10:40 Practical: Introduction to the command line course and R course
11:20 Introduction to NGS- technology, data formats and introduction to quality control
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Quality control: Intro to practical
13:25 Practical: Quality control
14:05 Introduction to sequence alignment
14:15 Practical: Sequence alignment
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15:25 Introduction to ChIP-Seq
15:55 Practical: ChIP-Seq analysis - Peak calling and annotation
16:30 Q&A and day 1 wrap-up All

Day 2 - ChIP-Seq motif analysis and RNA-Seq analysis

28th June - Computer Lab 1.4, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, NSW

Time Topic Links Instructor
09:00 Practical: Motif analysis
09:40 Introduction to RNA-Seq
10:30 Morning Tea
10:50 Practical: Alignment and splice junction identification
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Practical: Differential gene expression with Bio-conductor package: EdgeR and Voom
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15:30 Practical: Biological interpretation
16:30 Q&A and day 2 wrap-up All

Day 3 - de novo Assembly

29th June - Computer Lab 1.4, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, NSW

Time Topic Links Instructor
09:00 Introduction to de novo assembly
09:40 Practical: de novo assembly using Illumina reads
10:30 Morning Tea
10:50 Practical: de novo assembly using Illumina reads (cont.)
11:30 Practical: de novo assembly using PacBio – Canu workflow
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Practical: de novo assembly using PacBio – Canu workflow
15:30 Afternoon Tea
15:50 Practical: Polishing PacBio de novo assembly with Illumina reads
16:30 Q&A and workshop wrap-up All
17:00 Workshop Survey