Eukaryote Assembly
Key Learning Outcomes¶
After completing this module the trainee should be able to:
Assess general assembly approach, kmer spectra and biases.
Visually inspect the kmer spectra and KAT plots
Run a first pass eukaryotic assembly and do goal checks
Develop validation metrics or tools for NGS data and assembly.
Improving methods and pipelines for genome assembly.
Convince the lab guys to tweak protocols.
Resources You’ll be Using¶
Tools Used¶
Kmer Analysis Tool kit:
Soap Denovo:
Author Information¶
Primary Author(s):
Bernardo Clavijo, TGAC
Sonika Tyagi, AGRF
Zhiliang Chan
First Pass Genome Assembly¶
Assuming by now you are familiar with the general concept of de novo assembly, kmers and the de Bruijn graph based assembler. In this tutorial we will use ABySS to perform the first pass assembly of a eukaryotic genome and look at various parameters to assess the information content of the input data and choice of assembly parameters. sequence data.
Genome assembly is a challenging problem requiring heavy computational resources, expertise and time. Before you begin the process of de novo assembly there are a number of points you need to consider:
What is the objective of your assembly experiment? What biological question(s) you have?
Is assembly strictly necessary for the purpose in question?
Do you have right kind of data and enough coverage to start with?
Do you have suitable computational resources to run this assembly?
Remember that the assembly is just a probabilistic model of a genome, condensing the information from the experimental evidence. All the information is already present in the experimental results. The goal of the assembly is to find the right motifs, the correct number of times, in correct order and position.
Fusarium first pass with a goal¶
Goal: Identify a fusarium sample is “closer” to F. graminearum or F. pseudograminearum
Previous knowledge
- F. graminearum has a cluster producing PKS6 and NRSP7, while F. pseudograminearum produces PKS40 and NRPS32
Proteins sequences for:
F. graminearum (non necrotrophic): PKS6 and NRSP7
F. pseudograminearum (necrotrophic): PKS40 and NRPS32
- Check PKS6-NRSP7 and PKS40-NRPS32 cluster presence.
Assembly goals:
To capture a good enough representation of the protein-coding space to get blast matches.
To accurately represent the relevant whole cluster loci in a single sequence.
Prepare the Environment¶
Open the Terminal. First, go to the right folder, where the data are stored.
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Task 1.1: First pass assembly, k=71¶
Let’s assemble Fusarium with abyss, k=71
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Description of the arguments used in the command:
k: kmer size
np: number of processors to be used
sequence file names: R1 and R2 reads of a paired end sequence data
Let’s look at the statistics of the assembly we just did.
Ok, there are no stats available in the folder, but we can always use
to get the stats:
abyss-fac CS3270_abyss_k71-*tigs.fa | tee
Table 1: Statistics of fusarium assembly by ABySS using k=71
n | n:500 | L50 | min | N80 | N50 | N20 | E-size | max | sum | name |
27 | 13 | 2 | 970 | 6004 | 13202 | 52602 | 28712 | 52602 | 112849 | CS3270_abyss_k71-unitigs.fa |
5 | 1 | 1 | 128429 | 128429 | 128429 | 128429 | 128429 | 128429 | 128429 | CS3270_abyss_k71-contigs.fa |
How many unitigs/contigs do you have in the assembly?
What are the length statistics of your assembly?
In the table above
Does it match what you think before the assembly and why?
The assembly is looking strange! It’s time for some analysis:
Check frequencies for kmers kept/discarded/etc.
Check spectra-cn and compare with expectations. Let’s do this by the following commands:
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We will now plot the values from the coverage.hist
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Looks like we are not assembling this bit, let’s have another look at the spectra
kat comp -o reads_vs_abyss_k71 -t 4 -C -D --d1_bins 2000 '../*.fastq' CS3270_abyss_k71-contigs.fa
Description of the arguments used in the command:
o: Path prefix for files generated by this program.
t: The number of threads to use.
C: Whether the jellyfish hash for input 1 contains K-mers produced for both strands
D: Whether the jellyfish hash for input 2 contains K-mers produced for both strands
--d1_bins: Number of bins for the first dataset. i.e. number of rows in the matrix
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Description of the arguments used in the command:
x: Maximum value for the x-axis (default value auto calculated from matrix, otherwise 1000)
y: Maximum value for the y-axis (default value auto calculated from matrix if possible, otherwise, 1000000)
o: The path to the output file
The kmer spectra for Fusarium assembly with abyss
, k=71 should be looking like this:
Figure 1: Kmer spectrum for Fusarium assembly with abyss, k=71, coloured by the
frequencies as found on the reference assembly.
Take the output and BLAST it in NCBI. What is it? Surprising?
Choosing a wrong k value (too large in this case) and just running a typical assembly job, we can end up with something quite more interesting. It is easy by comparison to spot some missing content, alongside duplications and triplications (and quadruplications and so on) that should not be there. This assembly will get us nowhere, let’s choose a lower K to gain coverage and start again.
Task 1.2: First pass assembly, k=27¶
We now assemble Fusarium with abyss
and k=27:
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Let’s look at the stats by doing:
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The stats look better:
Table 2: Statistics of fusarium assembly by ABySS using k=27.
n | n:500 | L50 | min | N80 | N50 | N20 | E-size | max | sum | name |
30645 | 2717 | 430 | 502 | 11354 | 25336 | 47966 | 31027 | 147694 | 36.14e6 | CS3270_abyss_k27-unitigs.fa |
21511 | 350 | 33 | 527 | 157565 | 338989 | 630228 | 407098 | 1265237 | 36.52e6 | CS3270_abyss_k27-contigs.fa |
21327 | 205 | 17 | 527 | 332444 | 716132 | 1265237 | 791882 | 1880850 | 36.51e6 | CS3270_abyss_k27-scaffolds.fa |
Let’s check a bit anyway:
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How is the coverage plot looking now?
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K-mer spectrum:
kat plot spectra-cn -y 1000 -x 1000 -o
kat comp -o reads_vs_abyss_k27 -t 4 -C -D '../*.fastq' CS3270_abyss_k27-scaffolds.fa

Any tools you can use to check kmer spectra at any K before assembling?
Can you predict what will happen if you use KAT with larger K values?
Will the assembly answer the biological question?
Use BLAST or BLAT and the databases to check.
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- De novo genome assembly: what every biologist should know Nature Methods 9, 333 – 337 (2012) doi:10.1038/nmeth.1935