Single Nucleotide Variant Calling and Annotation
Key Learning Outcomes¶
After completing this practical the trainee should be able to:
Prepare raw BAM alignments for variant detection
Perform QC measures on BAM files
Understand and perform simple variant detection on paired NGS data
Add annotation information to raw variant calls
Visualise variant calls using IGV
Resources You’ll be Using¶
Tools Used¶
Genome Analysis Toolkit:
Variant Effect Predictor:
Sources of Data¶
Author Information¶
Primary Author(s):
Matt Field
Dan Andrews
Velimir Gayevskiy
Mathieu Bourgey
Gayle Philip
Sonika Tyagi
The goal of this hands-on session is to present the main steps that are commonly used to process and to analyze cancer sequencing data. We will focus only on whole genome data and provide command lines that allow detecting Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV). This workshop will show you how to launch individual steps of a complete DNA-Seq SNV pipeline using cancer data.
In the second part of the tutorial we will also be using IGV to visualise and manually inspect candidate variant calls.
Prepare the Environment¶
We will use a dataset derived from whole genome sequencing of a 33-yr-old lung adenocarcinoma patient, who is a never-smoker and has no familial cancer history.
The data consists of whole genome sequencing of liver metastatic lung cancer (frozen), primary lung cancer (FFPE) and blood tissue of a lung adenocarcinoma patient (AK55).
Open the Terminal and go to the snv
working directory:
1 |
All commands entered into the terminal for this tutorial should be from
within the snv
The BAM alignment files are contained in the subdirectory called
and are located in the following subdirectories:
Check that the alignment
directory contains the above-mentioned files by typing:
1 |
These files are based on subsetting the whole genomes derived from blood
and liver metastases to the first 10Mb of chromosome 4. This will allow
our analyses to run in a sufficient time during the workshop, but it’s
worth being aware that this is less < 0.5% of the genome which
highlights the length of time and resources required to perform cancer
genomics on full genomes!
The initial structure of your folders should look like this (type ls -l
-- alignment/ # bam files
-- normal/ # The blood sample directory containing bam files
-- tumour/ # The tumour sample directory containing bam files
-- ref/ # Contains reference genome files
Now we need to set some environment variables to save typing lengthy
file paths over and over. Copy and paste the following commands into
your terminal.
export APP_ROOT=/home/trainee/snv/Applications
export IGVTOOLS_PATH=$APP_ROOT/igvtools/
export PICARD_JAR=$APP_ROOT/picard/picard.jar
export GATK_JAR=$APP_ROOT/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
export STRELKA_HOME=$APP_ROOT/strelka/
export MUTECT_JAR=$APP_ROOT/mutect/muTect-1.1.5.jar
export VARSCAN_JAR=$APP_ROOT/varscan/VarScan.v2.4.1.jar
export REF=/home/trainee/snv/ref
export SNV_BASE=/home/trainee/snv
export JAVA7=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java
export IGV=$APP_ROOT/igv/
export VEP=$APP_ROOT/ensembl-tools/scripts/variant_effect_predictor/
export VEP_CACHE=/mnt/workshop/data/bgdata/datasets/vepcache/70-20150729/homo_sapiens/
Make sure you are in the correct directory by typing:
1 |
BAM Files¶
Let’s spend some time exploring BAM files.
Exploring BAM files¶
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Here you have examples of alignment results. A full description of the flags can be found in the SAM specification.
Another useful bit of information in the SAM is the CIGAR string. It’s the 6th column in the file.
This column explains how the alignment was achieved.
M == base aligns but doesn’t have to be a match. A SNP will have an M even if it disagrees with the reference.
I == Insertion
D == Deletion
S == soft-clips. These are handy to find un removed adapters, viral insertions, etc.
An in-depth explanation of the CIGAR can be found here. The exact details of the CIGAR string can be found in the SAM specification as well. We won’t go into too much detail at this point since we want to concentrate on cancer specific issues now.
Now, you can try using Picard’s explain flag site to understand what is going on with your reads.
There are 3 unique flags, what do they mean? The flag is the second column.
read paired
second in pair
read paired
read reverse strand
mate reverse strand
first in pair
read paired
mate reverse strand
second in pair
There are lots of possible different flags, let’s look at a few more
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Let’s take the last read, which looks properly paired and find its mate pair.
a) Instead of using head
, what unix command could we pipe the output to?
b) Once we’ve found both reads, the command can be stopped by typing CTRL-C
1 |
Using the cigar string, what can we tell about the alignment of the mate pair?
The mate pair has a less convincing alignment with two insertions and soft clipping reported.
How might the alignment information from the original read be used by the aligner?
Even though the alignment of the mate pair is questionable the presence of it’s properly paired mate helps the aligner in deciding where to put the less-certain read.
You can use Samtools
to filter reads as well.
How many reads mapped and unmapped were there?
Look at the samtools view help menu by typing samtools view
without any arguments
samtools view -c -f4 alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam
samtools view -c -F4 alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam
Step 1: Pre-processing: Indel Realignment¶
The first step for this is to realign around indels and SNP dense regions.
The Genome Analysis toolkit (GATK
) has a tool for this called IndelRealigner.
It basically runs in 2 steps:
- Find the targets
- Realign them
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} \
-T RealignerTargetCreator \
-R ${REF}/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-o alignment/normal/realign.intervals \
-I alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumour/tumour.sorted.bam \
-L ${REF}/human_g1k_v37.intervals
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} \
-T IndelRealigner \
-R ${REF}/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-targetIntervals alignment/normal/realign.intervals \
--nWayOut .realigned.bam \
-I alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumour/tumour.sorted.bam \
-L ${REF}/human_g1k_v37.intervals
Explanation of parameters:
-I: BAM file(s)
-T: GATK algorithm to run
-R: the reference genome used for mapping (b37 from GATK here)
-jar: Path to GATK jar file
-L: Genomic intervals to operate on
Move the realigned BAMs and index files to the corresponding normal and
tumour directories.
mv* alignment/normal/
mv* alignment/tumour/
Why did we use both normal and tumor together?
Because if a region needs realignment, maybe one of the samples in the pair has less reads or was excluded from the target creation. This makes sure the normal and tumor are all in-sync for the somatic calling step.
How many regions did it think needed cleaning?
1 |
Indel Realigner also makes sure the called deletions are left aligned
when there is a microsatellite or homopolymer. e.g.
Why is it important?
This makes it easier for downstream analysis tools.
For NGS analysis, the convention is to left align indels.
This is only really needed when calling variants with legacy locus-based tools such as samtools or GATK UnifiedGenotyper. Otherwise you will have worse performance and accuracy.
With more sophisticated tools (like GATK HaplotypeCaller) that involve reconstructing haplotypes (e.g. through reassembly), the problem of multiple valid representations is handled internally and does not need to be corrected explicitly.
Step 2: Pre-processing: Fixmates¶
Some read entries don’t have their mate information written properly.
We use Picard
to do this:
Normal sample:
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${PICARD_JAR} FixMateInformation \
SORT_ORDER=coordinate \
INPUT=alignment/normal/normal.sorted.realigned.bam \
Tumour sample:
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${PICARD_JAR} FixMateInformation \
SORT_ORDER=coordinate \
INPUT=alignment/tumour/tumour.sorted.realigned.bam \
Step 3: Pre-processing: Mark Duplicates¶
What are duplicate reads?
Different read pairs representing the same initial DNA fragment.
What are they caused by?
- PCR reactions (PCR duplicates).
- Some clusters that are thought of being separate in the flowcell but are the same (optical duplicates)
What are the ways to detect them?
Picard and samtools uses the alignment positions:
- Both 5’ ends of both reads need to have the same positions.
- Each reads have to be on the same strand as well.
Another method is to use a kmer approach:
- Take a part of both ends of the fragment.
- Build a hash table.
- Count the similar hits.
Brute force, compare all the sequences.
Here we will use Picard
‘s approach:
Normal Sample:
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${PICARD_JAR} MarkDuplicates \
INPUT=alignment/normal/normal.matefixed.bam \
OUTPUT=alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.bam \
Tumour Sample:
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${PICARD_JAR} MarkDuplicates \
INPUT=alignment/tumour/tumour.matefixed.bam \
OUTPUT=alignment/tumour/tumour.sorted.dup.bam \
We can look in the metrics output to see what happened.
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What percent of reads are duplicates?
Often, we have multiple libraries and when this occurs separate measures are calculated for each library. Why is it important to not combine everything?
- Each library represents a set of different DNA fragments.
- Each library involves different PCR reactions
PCR duplicates can not occur between fragments of two different libraries. However, similar fragments could be found between libraries when the coverage is high.
Step 4: Pre-processing: Base Quality Recalibration¶
Why do we need to recalibrate base quality scores?
The vendors tend to inflate the values of the bases in the reads. The recalibration tries to lower the scores of some biased motifs for some technologies.
Base Quality Recalibration runs in 2 steps:
- Build covariates based on context and known SNP sites.
- Correct the reads based on these metrics.
GATK BaseRecalibrator:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
Once your whole BAM is generated, it’s always a good thing to check the data again to see if everything makes sense.
Step 1: BAM QC: Compute Coverage¶
If you have data from a capture kit, you should see how well your
targets worked. GATK
has a depth of coverage tool to do this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
Explanation of parameters:
--omitBaseOutputAtEachBase: Do not output depth of coverage at each base
--summaryCoverageThreshold: Coverage threshold (in percent) for summarizing statistics
-dt: Downsampling
-L: Genomic intervals to operate on
In this project, coverage is expected to be 25x. Look at the coverage:
1 |
Type q
to return to the prompt.
1 |
Does the coverage fit with the expectation?
Yes the mean coverage of the region is 25x.
is a useful function to see if your coverage is uniform. -
Another way is to compare the mean to the median. If both are quite different that means something is wrong in your coverage.
Step 2: BAM QC: Insert Size¶
Insert size corresponds to the size of DNA fragments sequenced. It is different from the gap size (= distance between reads)!
These metrics are computed using Picard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Look at the output:
1 2 |
How do the two libraries compare?
The tumour sample has a larger median insert size than the normal sample (405 vs. 329).
Step 3: BAM QC: Alignment metrics¶
Alignment metrics tells you if your sample and your reference fit together.
For the alignment metrics, samtools flagstat
is very fast but
breaks some reads into pieces, the numbers can be a bit confusing.
Instead, we will use Picard
to compute the metrics:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Explore the results
1 2 |
Do you think the sample and the reference genome fit together?
Yes, 99% of the reads have been aligned.
Usually, we consider:
- A good alignment if > 85%
- Reference assembly issues if [60-85]%
- Probably a mismatch between sample and ref if < 60 %
Variant Calling¶
Most of SNV caller use either a Bayesian, a threshold or a t-test approach to do the calling
Here we will try 3 variant callers:
Varscan 2
Other candidates:
Somatic sniper
Many, MANY others can be found here:
In our case, let’s create a new work directory to start with (from base directory):
1 2 |
Varscan 2¶
Varscan 2
calls somatic variants (SNPs and indels) using a
heuristic method and a statistical test based on the number of aligned
reads supporting each allele. It expects both a normal and a tumour file in
SAMtools pileup
format from sequence alignments in binary alignment/map
(BAM) format. To build a pileup file, you will need:
- A SAM/BAM file (
) that has been sorted using thesort
command ofsamtools
. - The reference sequence (
) to which reads were aligned, in FASTA format. - The
software package.
for i in normal tumour
samtools mpileup -L 1000 -B -q 1 \
-f ${REF}/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-r 4:1-10000000 \
alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
> variant_calling/${i}.mpileup
Notes on samtools
-L: max per-sample depth for INDEL calling [1000]
-B: disable BAQ (per-Base Alignment Quality)
-q: skip alignments with mapQ smaller than 1
-g: generate genotype likelihoods in BCF format
Notes on bcftools
-v: output potential variant sites only
-c: SNP calling (force –e : likelihood based analyses)
-g: call genotypes at variant sites
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${VARSCAN_JAR} \
somatic variant_calling/normal.mpileup \
variant_calling/tumour.mpileup \
variant_calling/varscan \
--output-vcf 1 \
--strand-filter 1 \
--somatic-p-value 0.001
Now let’s try a different variant caller, MuTect
$JAVA7 -Xmx2G -jar ${MUTECT_JAR} \
-T MuTect \
-R ${REF}/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-dt NONE -baq OFF --validation_strictness LENIENT \
--dbsnp ${REF}/dbSnp-138_chr4.vcf \
--input_file:normal alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
--input_file:tumor alignment/tumour/tumour.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
--out variant_calling/mutect.call_stats.txt \
--coverage_file variant_calling/mutect.wig.txt \
-pow variant_calling/mutect.power \
-vcf variant_calling/mutect.vcf \
-L 4:1-10000000
And finally let’s try Illumina’s Strelka
cp ${STRELKA_HOME}/etc/strelka_config_bwa_default.ini .
sed 's/isSkipDepthFilters =.*/isSkipDepthFilters = 1/g' -i strelka_config_bwa_default.ini
${STRELKA_HOME}/bin/ \
--normal=alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
--tumor=alignment/tumour/tumour.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
--ref=${REF}/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
--config=${SNV_BASE}/strelka_config_bwa_default.ini \
cd variant_calling/strelka/
make -j2
cd ../..
cp variant_calling/strelka/results/passed.somatic.snvs.vcf variant_calling/strelka.vcf
Comparing variant callers¶
Now we have variants from all three methods. Let’s compress and index the VCFs for future visualisation.
for i in variant_calling/*.vcf; do bgzip -c $i > $i.gz ; tabix -p vcf $i.gz; done
Let’s look at a compressed VCF. Details on the VCF spec can be found here.
1 |
Fields vary from caller to caller. Some values are are almost always there:
- Ref vs. alt alleles
- Variant quality (QUAL column)
- The per-sample genotype (GT) values.
Note on VCF fields:
DP: Raw read depth
GT: Genotype
PL: List of Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods. (min is better)
DP: “”# high-quality bases”
SP: Phred-scaled strand bias P-value
GQ: Genotype Quality
Looking at the three vcf files, how can we detect only somatic variants?
Some commands to find somatic variant in the vcf file:
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1 |
1 |
Variant Visualisation¶
The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV
) is an efficient visualization tool
for interactive exploration of large genome datasets.
Before jumping into IGV
, we’ll generate a track IGV that can be used to plot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Open IGV
1 |
- Choose the reference genome corresponding to those use for alignment (b37).
- Load BAM files (
). - Load VCF files (from
Explore and play with the data:
- Find germline variants
- Find somatic variants
- Look around…
Variant Annotation¶
Following variant calling, we end up with a VCF file of genomic coordinates with the genotype(s) and quality information for each variant. By itself, this information is not much use to us unless there is a specific genomic location we are interested in. Generally, we next want to annotate these variants to determine whether they impact any genes and if so what is their level of impact (e.g. are they causing a premature stop codon gain or are they likely less harmful missense mutations).
The sections above have dealt with calling somatic variants from the first 10Mb of chromosome 4. This is important in finding variants that are unique to the tumour sample(s) and may have driven both tumour growth and/or metastasis. An important secondary question is whether the germline genome of the patient contains any variants that may have contributed to the development of the initial tumour through predisposing the patient to cancer. These variants may not be captured by somatic variant analysis as their allele frequency may not change in the tumour genome compared with the normal.
For this section, we will use all variants from the first 60Mb of
chromosome 5 that have been pre-generated using the GATK HaplotypeCaller
variant caller on both the normal and tumour genomes. The output of this
was GVCF files which were fed into GATK GenotypeGVCFs
to produce a
merged VCF file. We will use this pre-generated file as we are primarily
interested in the annotation of variants rather than their generation.
The annotation method we will use is called Variant Effect Predictor
or VEP
for short and is available from Ensembl here.
Our pre-generated VCF file is located in the variants
folder. Let’s
have a quick look at the variants:
1 |
Notice how there are two genotype blocks at the end of each line for the
normal (Blood
) and tumour (liverMets
) samples.
Let’s now run VEP
on this VCF file to annotate each variant with its
impact(s) on the genome.
perl $VEP --dir_cache $VEP_CACHE -i variants/HC.chr5.60Mb.vcf.gz --vcf -o variants/HC.chr5.60Mb.vep.vcf --stats_file variants/HC.chr5.60Mb.vep.html --format vcf --offline -fork 4 --fasta ref/human_g1k_v37.fasta --fields Consequence,Codons,Amino_acids,Gene,SYMBOL,Feature,EXON,PolyPhen,SIFT,Protein_position,BIOTYPE
will take approximately 10 minutes to run and once it is finished
you will have a new VCF file with all of the information in the input
file but with added annotations in the INFO block. VEP
also produces an
HTML report summarising the distribution and impact of variants
Once VEP
is done running, let’s first look at the HTML report it
produced with the following command:
1 |
This report shows information on the VEP
run, the number of variants,
the classes of variants detected, the variant consequences and the
distributions of variants through the genome. Close Firefox to resume
the terminal prompt.
Now let’s look at the variant annotations that VEP
has added to the VCF
file by focussing on a single variant. Let’s fetch the same variant from
the original VCF file and the annotated VCF file to see what has been
1 2 |
These commands give us the original variant:
1 |
and the same variant annotated is:
1 |
You can see that VEP
has added:
This is further composed of two annotations for this variant:
The first of these is saying that this variant is a missense variant in
the gene PLEKHG4B for the transcript ENST00000283426 and the second that
it is also a non_coding_transcript_exon_variant in the transcript
Variant Filtration¶
We now have a VCF file where each variant has been annotated with one or more impacts for one or more genes. In a typical whole cancer genome, you will have about 4-5 million variants, and therefore rows, in a VCF file which takes up gigabytes of space. In our small example, we have just 100,000 variants which is already too large to make any kind of meaningful sense out of by just opening up the VCF file in a text editor. We need a solution that allows us to perform intelligent queries on our variants to search this mass of noise for the signal we are interested in.
Luckily, such a free tool exists and is called GEMINI
takes as
an input your annotated VCF file and creates a database file which it
can then query using Structured Query Language (SQL) commands. Not only
make your variants easily searchable, it also brings in many
external annotations to add more information about your variants (such
as their frequencies in international databases).
To get started with GEMINI
, let’s make a database out of our annotated
VCF file.
gemini load -v variants/HC.chr5.60Mb.vep.vcf --cores 4 --skip-gerp-bp --skip-cadd -t VEP variants/HC.chr5.60Mb.vep.vcf.db
This will take approximately 10 minutes. You will see a few errors due
to multiallelic sites, normally these sites are decomposed and
normalized before creating the GEMINI
database but this is outside the
scope of this workshop.
Once the database has been created let’s run a basic query to see what
kind of information we get out of GEMINI
gemini query -q "SELECT *, (gts).(*), (gt_types).(*), (gt_depths).(*), (gt_ref_depths).(*), (gt_alt_depths).(*), (gt_quals).(*) FROM variants LIMIT 10;" --header variants/HC.chr5.60Mb.vep.vcf.db
This will output a bunch of ordered information for your query to the
command line, this is usually saved to a TSV file and opened in a
spreadsheet as we will do for the next query. In the mean time, let’s
dissect this query to understand the syntax we need to use to filter our
variants. First, we have a SELECT statement which simply specifies that
we want to select data from the database. The following comma-separated
values are the columns that we want to output from the database, in this
case we are selecting all columns with the star character and then all
sub-columns for each sample with the other values. Then, we have a “FROM
variants” statement which is specifying the table within the database
that we want to fetch information from. Finally, the “LIMIT 10”
statement specifies that no more than 10 rows should be returned. In
summary then, we are asking for all columns for 10 rows from the table
. If you haven’t used SQL before don’t worry, the GEMINI
website is very helpful and provides many examples for how to query your
Let’s now perform a more interesting query to find variants that have a medium or high impact on a gene and are rare or not present in existing international allele frequency databases. We will save the output of this query to a file and open it up in a spreadsheet.
gemini query -q "SELECT *, (gts).(*), (gt_types).(*), (gt_depths).(*), (gt_ref_depths).(*), (gt_alt_depths).(*), (gt_quals).(*) FROM variants WHERE (impact_severity = 'HIGH' OR impact_severity = 'MED') AND (aaf_1kg_all < 0.01 OR aaf_1kg_all is null) AND (aaf_esp_all < 0.01 OR aaf_esp_all is null) AND (aaf_exac_all < 0.01 OR aaf_exac_all is null);" --header variants/HC.chr5.60Mb.vep.vcf.db > variants/gemini-result.tsv
Notice that we have added a WHERE statement which restricts the rows that are returned based on values that we specify for specific columns. Here, we are asking to return variants where their impact on the gene (impact_severity column) is medium or high and the allele frequency in 1000Genomes, ESP and EXaC is less than 1% or the variant is not present in any of these databases.
Now let’s open the result in a spreadsheet to look at the annotations:
1 |
Tick the “Tab” under “Separated by” on the dialog window that comes up.
You can see that the first 14 columns contain information on the variant
including its location, ref, alt, dbSNP ID, quality and type. Slowly
scroll to the right and look at the columns of data that are provided.
Most importantly, column BD includes the gene this variant impacts, BN
the impact itself and BP the impact severity. Scroll towards the end of
the spreadsheet until you get to columns ED and EE, these contain the
genotype for each of the samples. Columns EH and EI contain the total
depth for each variant in each sample and the 4 following columns
contain the reference and alternate depths for each sample. Finally,
columns EN and EO contain the genotype qualities (from the GQ field in
the VCF) for each sample. As you scroll back and forth through this
spreadsheet, you will see that GEMINI
brings in information from a
variety of sources including: OMIM, ClinVar, GERP, PolyPhen 2, SIFT,
ESP, 1000 Genomes, ExAC, ENCODE, CADD and more! We are only looking at a
small number of variants from the start of a chromosome so not many of
these annotations will be present but in a full genome database they are
incredibly useful.
allows you to filter your variants based on any column that you
see in this results file. For example, you may want all variants in a
specific gene, in which case you would simply add “WHERE gene = ’BRCA1’”
to your query. For complete documentation with many examples of queries,
see the GEMINI documentation here.
Paila U, Chapman BA, Kirchner R and Quinlan AR. “GEMINI: Integrative Exploration of Genetic Variation and Genome Annotations”. PLoS Comput Biol, 2013, 9(7): e1003153. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003153
McLaren W, Pritchard B, Rios D, Chen Y, Flicek P and Cunningham F. “Deriving the consequences of genomic variants with the Ensembl API and SNP Effect Predictor”. Bioinformatics, 2010, 26(16):2069-70, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq330
This is based on an Introduction to DNA-Seq processing for cancer data by Mathieu Bourgey, Ph.D.
This tutorial is an adaptation of the one created by Louis letourneau. Mathieu Bourgey would like to thank and acknowledge Louis for this help and for sharing his material. The format of the tutorial has been inspired from Mar Gonzalez Porta. He also wants to acknowledge Joel Fillon, Louis Letrouneau (again), Francois Lefebvre, Maxime Caron and Guillaume Bourque for the help in building these pipelines and working with all the various datasets.