Pacbio reads: assembly with command line tools¶
This tutorial demonstrates how to use long PacBio sequence reads to assemble a bacterial genome, including correcting the assembly with short Illumina reads.
Tools (and versions) used in this tutorial include:
- canu 1.5 (requires java 1.8)
- infoseq and sizeseq (part of EMBOSS)
- circlator 1.5.1
- bwa 0.7.15
- samtools 1.3.1
- makeblastdb and blastn (part of blast) 2.4.0+
- pilon 1.20
- spades 3.10.1
Learning objectives¶
At the end of this tutorial, be able to:
- Assemble and circularise a bacterial genome from PacBio sequence data.
- Recover small plasmids missed by long read sequencing, using Illumina data
- Explore the effect of polishing assembled sequences with a different data set.
Simplified version of workflow:
How do long- and short-read assembly methods differ?
Short reads are usually assembled using De Bruijn graphs. With long reads, there is a move back towards simpler overlap-layout-consensus methods.
Where can we find out the what the approximate genome size should be for the species being assembled?
Go to - enter species name - click on Genome Assembly and Annotation report - sort table by clicking on the column header Size (Mb) - look at range of sizes in this column.
Where could you view the output filename.gfa and what would it show?
This is the assembly graph. You can view it using the tool “Bandage”,, to see how the contigs are connected (including ambiguities).
Get data¶
1 2 |
The files we need are:
pacbio.fastq.gz - the PacBio readsillumina_R1.fastq.gz - the Illumina forward readsillumina_R2.fastq.gz - the Illumina reverse reads
Pre-computed data¶
Some of these tools will take too long to run in this workshop. For these tools, we have pre-computed the output files. In this workshop, we will still enter in the commands and set the tool running, but will sometimes then stop the run and move on to pre-computed output files.
In your directory, along with the PacBio and Illumina files, you may also see folders of pre-computed data.
Sample information¶
The sample used in this tutorial is a gram-positive bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus (sample number 25747). This particular sample is from a strain that is resistant to the antibiotic methicillin (a type of penicillin). It is also called MRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It was isolated from (human) blood and caused bacteraemia, an infection of the bloodstream.
We will use the assembly software called Canu,
Type in:
canu -p canu -d canu_outdir_NGS genomeSize=2.8m -pacbio-raw pacbio.fastq.gz
- the first
tells the program to run -p canu
names prefix for output files (“canu”)-d canu_outdir_NGS
names output directory-
only has to be approximate.- e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, 2.8m
- e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes, 1.8m
Canu will correct, trim and assemble the reads.
Various output will be displayed on the screen.
As we don’t have time for Canu to complete, stop the run by typing Ctrl-C. We will look at pre-computed data in the folder canu_outdir.
Canu output¶
Move into ls
to see the output files.
cd canu_outdir
ls -l
- The
canu.contigs.fasta are the assembled sequences. - The
canu.unassembled.fasta are the reads that could not be assembled. - The
canu.correctedReads.fasta.gz are the corrected Pacbio reads that were used in the assembly. - The
canu.contigs.gfa is the graph of the assembly. - Display summary information about the contigs: (
is a tool from EMBOSS)
infoseq canu.contigs.fasta
How long is the assembled contig ?
tig00000001 2851805 This looks like a chromosome of approximately 2.8 million bases.
This matches what we would expect for this sample. For other data, Canu may not be able to join all the reads into one contig, so there may be several contigs in the output. Also, the sample may contain some plasmids and these may be found full or partially by Canu as additional contigs.
Try it later
Change Canu parameters if required: If the assembly is poor with many contigs, re-run Canu with extra sensitivity parameters; e.g.
canu -p prefix -d outdir corMhapSensitivity=high corMinCoverage=0 genomeSize=2.8m -pacbio-raw pacbio.fastq.gz
Trim and circularise¶
Run Circlator¶
Circlator ( identifies and trims overhangs (on chromosomes and plasmids) and orients the start position at an appropriate gene (e.g. dnaA). It takes in the assembled contigs from Canu, as well as the corrected reads prepared by Canu.
Overhangs are shown in blue:
Adapted from Figure 1. Hunt et al. Genome Biology 2015
Run Circlator:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Stop the run by typing Ctrl-C. We will look at pre-computed data in the folder circlator_outdir.
Circlator output¶
Move into the ls
to list files.
cd /home/trainee/long_reads/workshop_files/circlator_outdir
ls -ltr
Were all the contigs circularised? Why/why not?
less 04.merge.circularise.log
- Yes, the contig was circularised (last column). In this example, the contig could be circularized because it contained the entire sequence, with overhangs that were trimmed.
Where were the contigs oriented (which gene)?
less 06.fixstart.log
- Look in the “gene_name” column.
- The contig has been oriented at tr|A0A090N2A8|A0A090N2A8_STAAU, which is another name for dnaA. This is typically used as the start of bacterial chromosome sequences.
What are the trimmed contig sizes?
infoseq 06.fixstart.fasta
- tig00000001 2823331 (28564 bases trimmed) -This trimmed part is the overlap.
Circlator can set the start of the sequence at a particular gene. Which gene does it use? Is this appropriate for all contigs?
Circlator uses dnaA for the chromosomal contig. For other contigs, it uses a centrally-located gene. However, ideally, plasmids would be oriented on a gene such as a rep gene. It is possible to provide a file to Circlator to do this.
Re-name the contigs file:
- The trimmed contigs are in the file called
06.fixstart.fasta . - Re-name it
contig1.fasta :
cp 06.fixstart.fasta contig1.fasta
Open this file in a text editor (e.g. nano: nano contig1.fasta
) and change the header to “>chromosome”.
Move the file back into the main folder (mv contig1.fasta ../
If all the contigs have not circularised with Circlator, an option is to change the --b2r_length_cutoff
setting to approximately 2X the average read depth.
Find smaller plasmids¶
Pacbio reads are long, and may have been longer than small plasmids. We will look for any small plasmids using the Illumina reads.
This section involves several steps:
- Use the Canu+Circlator output of a trimmed assembly contig.
- Map all the Illumina reads against this PacBio-assembled contig.
- Extract any reads that didn’t map and assemble them together: this could be a plasmid, or part of a plasmid.
- Look for overhang: if found, trim.
Align Illumina reads to the PacBio contig¶
- Index the contigs file:
bwa index contig1.fasta
Align Illumina reads using using bwa mem:
bwa mem -t 4 contig1.fasta illumina_R1.fastq.gz illumina_R2.fastq.gz | samtools sort > aln_NGS.bam
bwa mem
is the alignment tool-t 4
is the number of corescontig1.fasta
is the input assembly fileillumina_R1.fastq.gz illumina_R2.fastq.gz
are the Illumina reads| samtools sort
pipes the output to samtools to sort> aln_NGS.bam
sends the alignment to the filealn_NGS.bam
Stop the run by typing Ctrl-C. We will use the pre-computed file called aln.bam.
Extract unmapped Illumina reads¶
- Index the alignment file:
samtools index aln.bam
- Extract the fastq files from the bam alignment - those reads that were unmapped to the Pacbio alignment - and save them in various “unmapped” files:
samtools fastq -f 4 -1 unmapped.R1.fastq -2 unmapped.R2.fastq -s unmapped.RS.fastq aln.bam
is a command that coverts a.bam file into fastq format-f 4
: only output unmapped reads-1
: put R1 reads into a file calledunmapped.R1.fastq -2
: put R2 reads into a file calledunmapped.R2.fastq -s
: put singleton reads into a file calledunmapped.RS.fastq aln.bam
: input alignment file
We now have three files of the unampped reads:
Assemble the unmapped reads¶
Assemble with Spades ( -1 unmapped.R1.fastq -2 unmapped.R2.fastq -s unmapped.RS.fastq --careful --cov-cutoff auto -o spades_assembly_NGS
is input file forward-2
is input file reverse-s
is unpaired--careful
minimizes mismatches and short indels--cov-cutoff auto
computes the coverage threshold (rather than the default setting, “off”)-o
is the output directory
Stop the run by typing Ctrl-C. We will use the pre-computed file in the folder spades_assembly.
Move into the output directory (
infoseq contigs.fasta
- 78 contigs were assembled, with the max length of 2250 (the first contig).
- All other nodes are < 650kb so we will disregard as they are unlikely to be plasmids.
- We will extract the first sequence (NODE_1):
samtools faidx contigs.fasta
samtools faidx contigs.fasta NODE_1_length_2550_cov_496.613 > contig2.fasta
- This is now saved as
contig2.fasta - Open in nano and change header to “>plasmid”.
Trim the plasmid¶
To trim any overhang on this plasmid, we will blast the start of contig2 against itself.
- Take the start of the contig:
head -n 10 contig2.fasta > contig2.fa.head
- We want to see if it matches the end (overhang).
- Format the assembly file for blast:
makeblastdb -in contig2.fasta -dbtype nucl
- Blast the start of the assembly (.head file) against all of the assembly:
blastn -query contig2.fa.head -db contig2.fasta -evalue 1e-3 -dust no -out contig2.bls
- Look at
contig2.bls to see hits:
less contig2.bls
- The first hit is at start, as expected.
- The second hit is at 2474 all the way to the end - 2550.
- This is the overhang.
- Trim to position 2473.
- Type ‘q’ to exit.
- Index the plasmid.fa file:
samtools faidx contig2.fasta
- Trim
samtools faidx contig2.fasta plasmid:1-2473 > plasmid.fa.trimmed
is the name of the contig, and we want the sequence from 1-2473. -
Open this file in nano (
nano plasmid.fa.trimmed
) and change the header to “>plasmid”, save. - (Use the side scroll bar to see the top of the file.)
- We now have a trimmed plasmid.
- Move file back into main folder:
cp plasmid.fa.trimmed ../
- Move into the main folder.
Plasmid contig orientation¶
The bacterial chromosome was oriented at the gene dnaA. Plasmids are often oriented at the replication gene, but this is highly variable and there is no established convention. Here we will orient the plasmid at a gene found by Prodigal, in Circlator:
circlator fixstart plasmid.fa.trimmed plasmid_fixstart
is an option in Circlator just to orient a sequence.plasmid.fa.trimmed
is our small plasmid.plasmid_fixstart
is the prefix for the output files.
View the output:
less plasmid_fixstart.log
- The plasmid has been oriented at a gene predicted by Prodigal, and the break-point is at position 1200.
- Change the file name:
cp plasmid_fixstart.fasta contig2.fasta
Collect contigs¶
cat contig1.fasta contig2.fasta > genome.fasta
- See the contigs and sizes:
infoseq genome.fasta
- chromosome: 2823331
- plasmid: 2473
Why is this section so complicated?
Finding small plasmids is difficult for many reasons! This paper has a nice summary: On the (im)possibility to reconstruct plasmids from whole genome short-read sequencing data. doi:
Why can PacBio sequencing miss small plasmids?
Library prep size selection
We extract unmapped Illumina reads and assemble these to find small plasmids. What could they be missing?
Repeats that have mapped to the PacBio assembly.
How do you find a plasmid in a Bandage graph?
It is probably circular, matches the size of a known plasmid, and has a rep gene.
Are there easier ways to find plasmids?
Possibly. One option is the program called Unicycler which may automate many of these steps.
We will correct the Pacbio assembly with Illumina reads, using the tool Pilon (
Make an alignment file¶
Align the Illumina reads (R1 and R2) to the draft PacBio assembly, e.g.
genome.fasta :bwa index genome.fasta bwa mem -t 4 genome.fasta illumina_R1.fastq.gz illumina_R2.fastq.gz | samtools sort > aln_illumina_pacbio_NGS.bam
is the number of cores
Stop the run by typing Ctrl-C. We will use the pre-computed file called aln_illumina_pacbio.bam. - We will use the pre-computed file called aln_illumina_pacbio.bam.
- Index the files:
samtools index aln_illumina_pacbio.bam
samtools faidx genome.fasta
- Now we have an alignment file to use in Pilon:
Run Pilon¶
Pilon is a software tool which can be used to:
- Automatically improve draft assemblies
Find variation among strains, including large event detection
pilon --genome genome.fasta --frags aln_illumina_pacbio.bam --output pilon1_NGS --fix all --mindepth 0.5 --changes --verbose --threads 4
is the name of the input assembly to be corrected--frags
is the alignment of the reads against the assembly--output
is the name of the output prefix--fix
is an option for types of corrections--mindepth
gives a minimum read depth to use--changes
produces an output file of the changes made--verbose
prints information to the screen during the run--threads
: the number of cores
Stop the run by typing Ctrl-C. We will use the pre-computed files called with the prefixes pilon1. - We will use the pre-computed files called with the prefixes pilon1._
Look at the changes file:
less pilon1.changes
Look at the details of the fasta file:
infoseq pilon1.fasta
- chromosome - 2823340 (net +9 bases)
- plasmid - 2473 (no change)
If there are many changes, run Pilon again, using the
Genome output¶
- Change the file name:
cp pilon1.fasta assembly.fasta
- We now have the corrected genome assembly of Staphylococcus aureus in .fasta format, containing a chromosome and a small plasmid.
Why don’t we correct earlier in the assembly process?
We need to circularise the contigs and trim overhangs first.
Why can we use some reads (Illumina) to correct other reads (PacBio) ?
Illumina reads have higher accuracy
Could we just use PacBio reads to assemble the genome?
Yes, if accuracy adequate.
Short-read assembly: a comparison¶
So far, we have assembled the long PacBio reads into one contig (the chromosome) and found an additional plasmid in the Illumina short reads.
If we only had Illumina reads, we could also assemble these using the tool Spades.
You can try this here, or try it later on your own data.
Get data¶
We will use the same Illumina data as we used above:
illumina_R1.fastq.gz : the Illumina forward readsillumina_R2.fastq.gz : the Illumina reverse reads
This is from Sample 25747.
Run Spades: -1 illumina_R1.fastq.gz -2 illumina_R2.fastq.gz --careful --cov-cutoff auto -o spades_assembly_all_illumina
is input file of forward reads-2
is input file of reverse reads--careful
minimizes mismatches and short indels--cov-cutoff auto
computes the coverage threshold (rather than the default setting, “off”)-o
is the output directory
Move into the output directory and look at the contigs:
infoseq contigs.fasta
How many contigs were found by Spades?
- many
How does this compare to the number of contigs found by assembling the long read data with Canu?
- many more.
Does it matter that an assembly is in many contigs?
broken genes => missing/incorrect annotations
less information about structure: e.g. number of plasmids
Many or all genes may still be annotated
- Gene location is useful (e.g. chromosome, plasmid1) but not always essential (e.g. presence/absence of particular resistance genes)
How can we get more information about the assembly from Spades?
- Look at the assembly graph
assembly_graph.fastg , e.g. in the program Bandage. This shows how contigs are related, albeit with ambiguity in some places.
Comparative genomics¶
We will compare the genomes assembled by:
- pacbio pre-pilon
- pacbio post pilon
- illumina only
Do the annotations differ¶
Run prokka on the three - how do they differ
Align the short-read and long-read assemblies¶
Mauve: align the illumina contigs to the polished pacbio contigs.
Further analyses¶
- Annotate genomes, e.g. with Prokka,
- Comparative genomics, e.g. with Roary,
- Canu manual and gitub repository
- Circlator article and github repository
- Pilon article and github repository
- Notes on finishing and evaluating assemblies.