Bioinformatics Training Platform NGS Tools

Analysis tools installers and fpm-cookery recipes for building .deb packages for the Bioinformatics Training Platform.

View the Project on GitHub BPA-CSIRO-Workshops/btp-tools

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This repository contains a set of fpm-cookery recipes for building deb packages for a set of bioinformatics tools used in the Bioinformatics Training Platform (BTP). Each tool also contains a standalone shell script tool installer.


The things you need to have installed in order to use the recipes and build deb packages yourself are:

On an Ubuntu system, this can be achieved with the following few commands:

apt-get install -y rubygems
gem install fpm-cookery

Building the deb Packages

Once you have cloned this repository, you can start building the deb packages using the recipes:

# Build the AMOS .deb
fpm-cook package --target deb --platform ubuntu --pkg-dir ./pkg ./amos/recipe.rb
# You should now have a .deb file for AMOS
ls pkg/*.deb

A convienient way to build deb packages for all the tools:

find ./ -maxdepth 2 -type f -name recipe.rb -exec fpm-cook package --target deb --platform ubuntu --pkg-dir ./pkg {} \;


The contents of this repository are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. For a summary of what this means, please see: